Expert HR Consulting Services

Elevate Leadership Capabilities

Elevate Leadership Capabilities

  • Coach and empower new managers on giving critical feedback, building their network and managing the balance of their work and the work of others
  • Develop succession plans for key roles, and act as an accountability partner for thorough execution
  • Guide individuals through a 360-degree feedback process and personalized development planning


Protect your business from cyber threats with our comprehensive approach to security.
Manage Communication and Change

Manage Communication and Change

  • Guide organizational design and change management 
  • Create communication plans, anticipating employee reaction
  • Ghostwriting communications on strategy and/or change

I am here.  I am sincere. 

While this page is where you can read about my services, know you can also just chat with me about your challenges. Your unique needs are meaningful.  Book an intro 30 minute meeting with me to tell me about your business and leadership challenges. Free of charge, of course.

IT Security Solutions

Protect your critical data and systems with our comprehensive IT security solutions. Our team of experts will assess your current security measures, identify vulnerabilities, and implement strategies to mitigate risks. With our advanced technologies and proactive approach, we ensure your business stays protected from evolving cyber threats.

Christina @

IT Efficiency Boost

Streamline your IT processes with our expert consulting services. We'll analyze your current systems to identify areas for improvement and implement solutions to increase your IT efficiency, saving you time and money.

Christina @